What if life could change? What if you can become stronger and have more joy? What if you can heal from past traumas and the things that are holding you back?
What if?
If I showed you the key to a better, more joyful life … will you take the leap?
3 Steps to Light up your Life
About Marda Hull
My name is Marda Hull, I am passionate about seeing people discover their personal power and I guide them to connect with the Divine within. In a time where the world seems to be upside down, there is an ever-increasing need to find true meaning in life and the reasons for us being on this planet.
My aim is to assist people to have hope; to transcend beyond the constraints of the daily struggle; to manifest and create the life of their dreams. I am a certified Life Activation Practitioner, Healer, Guide, and Ritual Master in the Lineage of King Salomon.
Legend has it that at the end of your life, the quality of your life will be measured by asking you two questions. Did you have joy? Were you able to bring joy to others?
What is Joy?
Joy is a feeling. It is so much more than happiness. It persists despite the difficult times we may face in our lives. It is the opposite of misery.
How do we get to experience joy?
How do we bring joy to others? I don’t have the answer. What I can share with you is how I found joy.
I have been pretty miserable for a large portion of my life. I drank too much and was angry, abusive, and discontent, I tried to fill the emptiness I felt with food, shopping, and unhealthy relationships … nothing was ever enough. And then by coincidence in my search for something more, a deeper connection, I stumbled upon the Life Activation. With no understanding or expectation, I went for this session. Things started to shift, I had hope, my life started to move forward, I started to feel whole, and I started to feel joy. It took me a while to realise that the only thing I did differently at that time was the Life Activation. This all happened early in 2011. It made such an impact on my life that I wanted everyone to experience this. In August 2011 I attended Healers Academy hosted for the first time by the Modern Mystery School on South African soil. During Healers Academy I learned how to do the life activation. It was the start of my journey.
If you are in search of something more, a deeper connection, something beyond the mundane of the daily grind, if you are looking for healing, inner peace, an understanding of who you are and what your purpose is on this planet, then I invite you to have a look at what I offer and to reach out to meet for a cup of tea and a chat to explore this further.
What our clients say:
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling, and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Come for Tea with Marda Hull
Come for Tea with Marda Hull at no cost or obligation, to discuss if a session with Marda is a good next step for you. You can reach her via telephone or WhatsApp at +27 79 051 6010 and by email marda@mardahull.com